M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Short Stop in Apetina

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After six weeks of city life we returned to Apetina last Tuesday.

Our time in Paramaribo was filled with meetings with the team of World Team Hindustani ministry. The Kelley’s helped to envision the next years and think about action steps to reach our goals. As the director of Pioneer Ministries Marco is responsible for the Hindustani ministry in Suriname. We enjoyed our time with the Kelley’s, Shiwdat’s and Pamela Walford very much. We’re happy with the outcome of these weeks of hard work and are looking forward to see who God will bring to the Hindustani team to reach the last of the unreached.

Three Wayana couples flew from Kawemhakan to Paramaribo and later to Kwamasamutu. They thought from Gods word for three weeks there, and continued their mission trip to Mapuera in Northern Brazil. We could assist them during their stay in the city. We hope to meet them again after they return from Kwamala end of December / beginning of January. We look forward to hear their stories.Marjolein and Ilse van Dijk were busy correcting the Wayana translation of a bible for young children. We sent the corrected version to the printer and are now waiting for the first print. With this print we want to do the last correction in the villages of Kawemhakan and Apetina. People of Pelele Tëpu translated the same bible in the Trio language. We hope to present a bible for children to these two tribes in 2018. We still need funds for the transportation of the bibles to the different villages in the interior.We also had time to meet our daughter and son in law, Elisabeth and Rafaël, and their children. Quinn even stayed a night with grandpa and grandma. It was good to meet several friends in Paramaribo.We were looking forward to our stay in Apetina. It has been 7 months since we’ve been here, due to several trips abroad in the first part of this year. The people came to greet us and asked us why it took us so long. Our neighbor Pasakili came the same day to share about his visit to the Apalai in Northern Brasil. Their trip back home took them one week more than their trip to the Apalai. They had to drag the canoe for long stretches because of low water in the river. Sometimes they had to cut through sunken trees. They had lots of opportunities to share the gospel and they saw fruit on their work.We planned to be in Apetina from July till end September this year, but plans changed. First for the meetings in the city and now for a television crew from the Netherlands who want to make three programs about our life with the Wayana’s for a Christian broadcasting company. So we will fly to Paramaribo at the end of this month to pick up the crew, fly with them to Kawemhakan, then back to the city, then to Apetina.

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