M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

All gets real now

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Since our orientation trip last fall/winter we experienced how the Lord led us through the whole process of preparation for our final jump over the ocean on April 10′. Lots of things needed to be accomplished. God really showed us the way, brought lovely people around us supporting us in prayer and finance and leading our church to set us free of our duties as pastors couple and bless us into our new ministry.
We spent quite some time in saying good-by to good friends, our church community, our kids and grandchildren, colleagues, relatives etc. It seemed there would come no end to the long trail of meetings, dinners and lunch gatherings.

At the moment we are safe and sound in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname. We now prepare to move on into the bush. We plan to leave the city end of April beginning of May.

When we arrived Ivan and Doris Schoen were in Apetina presenting the Old Testament to the Wajana’s during the Easter Bible Conference. After their return to town they paid us a visit, giving us a warm report of their experiences during the conference and also during their 50 years of ministry among the Wajana’s in Suriname.

We are grateful to the Lord that He called us to step in their shoes continuing this wonderful ministry.

Roy and Margaret will accompany us in order to be our guides and trainers introducing us further to the Wajana Indians in Lawa, informing us about the Wajana culture and teaching us the Wajana language.

We are exited about the coming months and expect the Lord to lead us to the hearts of the people.
Please pray for wisdom and patience from both sides to get a good start of our coming adventure with the Wajana Indians of Suriname.

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