M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Busy at Lawa

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The last few weeks Anneke Kempers, who worked as a nurse at Lawa 1973-1980 and who came to visit several years in a row to help with childrens work in the Church, paid us a visit together with Ilse van Dijk (school teacher at Apetina for 25 years). Anneke now completed her ministry and we took over the tasks with the DVD-project and will continue assisting the childrens workers. Some pictures of the games at the end of the bible week with the children.








The last three week were filled with a village wide upgrade of the watersystem. Paid by two Churches in the Netherlands, a project of Anneke Kempers, the whole village was involved in digging and constructing water supply units almost near every house. The people paid an amount for each unit and provided sand and pebbles for the concrete themselves. We were able to have close contact with each family during the project. Good opportunities for speaking Wayana with the people and be present in the village.







Last weekend was filled with Bible school training of the Church leaders. Serge Andre, pastor of Baptist Church Central in Paramaribo, also director of Apollos Training Institute, came over to teach on Salvation. We prepared DVDs with the training to hand out to the leaders. They can review the training time and again in order to get hold of this teaching.


Last week our son Andre with his wife Wimke and their 3 children arrived in Paramaribo. They plan to pay us a visit at Lawa from December 16 – 23. After this we hope to fly with them into town and celebrate Andre’s birthday and Christmas with two of our children and their families in town. 13 – 15 December we plan an outreach with some of the Church leaders upstream to Palamino Pata.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Warm greetings from the Surinamese bush!

Marco & Marjolein

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