M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Flight rescheduled

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Saturday morning Marjolein looked in her WhatsApp and read that her father (87) had been 
hospitalized with heart problems. That is scary news. All the more so because, together 
with a number of signals we received earlier, an acute demand for care has arisen. The messages 
from Marjoleins siblings confirmed this. They have done lots of work and care in recent days. 
At such moments you feel the distance.
Sunday morning we decided to change our KLM tickets from September 23 to August 30. 
We can stay in the apartment of dear friends in Veenendaal for the first few weeks. 
We can rent a car from day 1 through 'Cars' (especially for missionaries on home assignment). 
We are so grateful for this help!

We will find out in what way we can be of assistance. 

It appears that Marjoleins father had a heart attack. He made it through very well and has since 
been released from the hospital. How thankful we are to have him home!

An update of what we have experienced in recent weeks will follow shortly.



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