M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

New Church

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Thursday July 29 we visited Solonam Pata. There the newly built church hall was officially inaugurated. In recent years, efforts have been made to send the believers in Lawa to the various villages along the river so that new communities of believers would start in the small villages where the people live. This is now the fifth new church that has been started from this method.

prayer in front of the church building

the interior of the new church

Message from the new pulpit

You show your joy by wearing bright colors on your head. The brother on the left has used some alternative material…

cooking for a crowd

meals ready to be served

tomorrow more meat needs to be provided

This weekend a Bible conference takes place in Solonam. Due to the Covid situation we decided, together with a number of people, not to stay there all weekend. At the beginning of the service last Thursday Marco was asked to share a message from the Bible. That reminded us of Roy Lytle’s advice, ‘always be prepared, because these kinds of questions often come in the last minute’. On Sunday we will visit Solonam Pata again to take part in the final day of the conference.



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