M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Rapid changes …

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In a few weeks a lot can happen.

We asked MAF to bring two elder couples from Lawa to Apetina. In the beginning of August they arrived and started to work right away. Every day a devotional at church and every afternoon training of the church leaders.

training leiders 1We were thrilled to see Indian leaders teach other leaders. Our target is that this will take place more and more in order to be able to complete our ministry goals. We see God at work in the lives of the people. Our contribution is to give some ideas and show them here and there the right direction. It makes a difference that we’re around. This shows they are not alone and we are available to support when asked for.

training leiders 2  training leiders 3

The second week we shared the new church constitution in church. Every member was invited. A lot of them showed interest. This document is required to get the Apetina church registered by the government. A new phenomenon for the people here. Why is that? What is this for? We again enjoyed seeing the leaders from Lawa explaining and motivating the believers in Apetina to get involved in this process. Now this message didn’t come from the city or the mission, but from their own fellow Indian believers.

de wasMarjolein is translating a training module into Wayana with the help of two people. This module will be used to train several believers to help others recognizing the symptoms of depression in an early stage in order to help preventing suicides in the future. This is an initiative by the Medical Mission in Suriname to train locals in these skills.

We are happy to assist with the translation and hope this will work to diminish the number of suicides.

Marco meets with Anam every week. This is an example for young leaders to form a small group with youth in the village studying the Bible. One of our neighbors asked Marjolein to study the Bible with her also. We pray this will grow into more small groups in the village studying Gods Word.

samenkomstLast week Sunday more than 20 people confessed their sins in church and rededicated their lives to Christ. The celebration continued with all musicians and singers called up front to receive a blessing for their ministry. After this we asked a blessing for two couples, one an elder, the other a deacon. Last but not least 9 people came up front to testify they accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior after which they were baptized in the river.


We are very grateful and feel very privileged to witness how God is touching people’s hearts and lives and bring them into His flock.


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