M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Children & Youth events

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The last couple of weeks we had a lot of opportunities to practice our wayana. First we had the clothes sale in our house. The people were happy with the things they could buy. Especially the first morning our house was packed! image

Two weeks ago was all about children and youth. In the morning hours between 70 and 85 children in age between 2 and 16, came to the VBS.

imageThe Lawa sundayschool teachers taught about the life of Josef. During the afternoon hours we assisted the sundayschool teachers while they trained 7 new teachers, since they started 5 Bible classes along the Lawa river in the last 6 months. This was the first time ever they did something like this, so we helped them organize the topics to teach on. We encouraged them and they did very well. We only taught one topic.imageimage

We did record every session on video and copied everything on DVD’s. Now they can use this material over and over again to train new leaders themselves. We’re exited to see what God is doing in the lives of these dear people.

The final day, Friday morning, the lady teachers invited 5 teenage girls to stay after the VBS to give them special attentionn. These teenagers were in the village for 2 weeks because of school holidays. They talked about the temptations of internet and boardingschool. Several confessed their sins and were able to make a fresh start. This prompted the sundayschool teachers to organize a daily devotionals with all teens between 12 and 20 from 9 ’till 10 in the morning during the following week. We are so exited to see this happening. During the weekend we assisted the leaders to make a plan for the following week, this is where they need coaching, the teaching was their work. Around 25 girls and boys attended the meetings. Pray with us for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for these teenagers back in boardingschool.

The closing session of the VBS was the traditional gameday. It is great to see how they enjoy the games and have fun. They all strive to win. Last week Marco was able to fly to town in order to get on his flight to Lima Peru this coming week. It turned out to be quite a thing because of the heavy rain in the jungle these days. We are happy he could get a hike on a medical flight so he didn’t need to go by cannoo. In Lima Peru he will join a fact finding mission with Chinese leaders from Canada in order to see how God will lead starting up a new ministry among the Chinese of Lima. To be continued.




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