M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Two worlds

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We wrote our last message on the eve of the annual Conference at Pentecost. That weekend was a blessing having great conversations while meeting with people at the missions fair in the C&MA stand and many ‘old’ acquaintances who we met all over the place. For Foundations for Farming, Marco was involved in a seminar with the theme ‘helping worldwide – without hurting others’. For more information see https://foundationsforfarming.nl/nieuws

Two days after the Conference, Marco boarded a plane to Peru. Marjolein would stay in the Netherlands these weeks making use of the opportunity to see a lot of people.

A day out with her aunt from Soest, visits to her parents in Veenendaal, cycling with her father and even a weekend sailing in Friesland. Enjoying the beautiful days that the Netherlands has to offer in this time of the year.

From Lima in Peru, Marco flew straight to Santiago de Chile, together with our Chinese recruiter from Canada and a Korean churchleader who is looking for mission opportunities for Korean missionaries who recently had their work permits in the great oriental country with many millions of inhabitants cancelled.

In Santiago we visited three Chinese churches. Thousands of Chinese live and work in this city who never had the opportunity to hear the gospel. The group then traveled on to Santa Cruz in Bolivia. There is one Chinese church that yearns for support. Gradually the vision became clear to bring Chinese church leaders from South and Central America together in an annual meeting in Lima to establish and strengthen mutual ties and to learn from each other’s problems and vision. This will probably start next May.

In Lima, as leader of World Team’s work in Latin America, Marco met a number of new candidates who want to join the Chinese team in Lima. A Korean couple who have worked among Chinese people for 30 years, of which 10 years in Jerusalem; a man from a family from the North of the United States who came to live in Lima for three months and in the following years for six months a year to work in the team. Last but not least a young lady from Hong Kong who visited Lima just now to discover if Lima was the place God has in store for her within her vision to work among the Chinese in South America.

The following weeks were filled with training activities for Foundations for Farming. Marco first traveled to Piura in the North and then straight on to Pueblo Nuevo de Calan, a small town near the coast. From there, every day, an hour back and forth with an overcrowded taxivan to provide training in the next even smaller community of Villa Miramar.

Then it was first back to Piura to travel the next night by nightbus to Tumbes and then immediately with a taxi to the north along the border with Ecuador in Nuevo Progreso. The kick-off was on Sunday afternoon with a first group of farmers. After having explained the purpose and content  of the training he invited them to bring friends and fellow farmers to the first training Monday afternoon.

These three days of training took place the following week. After that Marco flew back to Lima and the following day to Huancayo in order to do a follow-up training of  2 days with 10 participants of ‘Pan de Vida’, another partner of Foundation for Farming with units all over Peru. This is follow-up on what has been done about a year ago so he can give instructions for improvement on what will be the outcome of the evaluation. It looks like we will be busy in Peru for the next few years. The first week a leader from Pucallpa came along who would like to have us in his city next year to come and train there as well. Marco will travel back to the Netherlands on June 28, according to plan. Then the adventure to Asia follows. To be continued.

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