M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Almost there!

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This past week we have been busy in Paramaribo to get ready for our time in the Netherlands. Thursday October 4th we’ll be on our way!

The first weekend of September two Dutch families, living in Paramaribo, visited us, together with their lovely children. We had a great time together. Visiting to Maripasoula by canoe, a barbequeparty, walking through the jungle to visit a waterfall and bathing in the river. The MAF plane stayed the whole time next to our house, since one of the guys is a MAF pilot.

Almost two weeks later Gilbert Plante from Canada came over to visit us. Last year Ipomadi and Marco stayed with him, while visiting Winnipeg (Canada). Now he returned the visit. Together with Ipomadi and his family we showed him around along the Lawa river. He tasted a real Wajana meal: anjoemara with pepper gravy. They even served him yellow peas! Together we flew to the Bibleconference in Tepu. What a joy to praise the Lord for four days together with brothers and sisters of all the different villages in Southern Suriname.

A delegation of the Suriname Bible Society was also visiting the Bibleconference. They were deeply impressed that this kind of conferences are organized since 1972. They were also astonished to see that we were ‘normal’ participants and didn’t organize a thing! Indeed beautiful to see how well they organize children-, teens- and adult services.

After the Bibleconference we had one more week in Paramaribo to finish our business (doctors- and dentist visit), sorting out our stuff in our container, enjoying time with dear friends and with our daughter and her family. We also planned ahead and booked our tickets to Orlando and Manaus in January 2019.

Coming December Bruce Rempel from Canada will pay us a visit. He visited us before ande he wants to help the people of Apetina with 24/7 electricity. He needs to measure the velocity of the water when the river is at its lowest.

At this moment a group of 20 (young) men is working hard to make beams and planks with the Lucas saw mill in the neighborhood of Apetina. They don’t only work in order to build the visitorslodge but they also cut wood enabeling them to build their own houses. The first beams and planks are already nicely stored to be used in a couple of months.

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