M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Call into Mission (2)

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During the past 11 years we started to look forward to live in Suriname when retiring after reaching the age of 65. Our dream then was to be able to play some kind of part in serving and encouraging the indians in the interiour.

During the 11 yeras of ous Mission we have been able to visit the indian churches of Trio’s and Wajana’s near the border of Brasil, ministering to them during some of the annual conferences.

In the Netherlands we have a good relationship with Anneke Kempers, who has served the Wajana indians as a nurse during several years of mission. Nowadays she serves as a Deaconess in Amerongen (ZDH). She is a member of our Church. Anneke speakes the Wajana language. She visits the Wajana indians at Lawa/Kawemhakan each year for 6 weeks to assist the childrensteam in developing new programms to work with the childern in the church.

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