M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Easter and more

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Aankomst PTJust before Easter we arrived at Apetina. Last weekend we took part in a beautiful Easter conference. Different groups of people from Palumeu and Solonam pata had come to Apetina in order to join the meetings. We enjoyed seeing Indian leaders encouraging the believers in Apetina. Young leaders from Solonam pata and Palumeu are being used by the Lord to comfort and teach the church in the interior. This is an important part of our mission. We rejoice when we see how God calls leaders to step into this ministry.  Marco

We are grateful to be able to give a new outboard engine to the leaders of the Apetina church. They need this engine to visit Tutukampu every Sunday, meeting with the new believers there. A Dutch church offered to pay for the engine. We rejoice to see how God binds believers around the world together to fulfill His great commission.MenM PT

The visitors from Palumeu left yesterday with 3 canoes. Several people from Apetina escorted them to cross a number of rapids in order to find their own canoes. The river raised that high that we no longer feel safe (and comfortable) to bathe in the river. We are glad that every day rain gives enough water to use the shower in the bathroom now.MAF

Patrick and Nikki Toews arrived last Wednesday. They stay for almost two months as part of a year long investigation how the Lord wants to use them in Mission. They will visit different fields of World Team around the world. We hope to learn a lot from each other in the coming weeks.Patrick en Nikki

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