M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians


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Family growth

Jayden Jamal Christopher

In the night of Friday on Saturday October 8 at 00:25 our grandson Jayden was born. Mother Jiska and father Curly are grateful and glad, and grandpa and granny also! The previous week of the autumn holiday we were able to visit several times.

8 shots in 4 weeks tim

Vaccinations etc

Good preparation is half of the work, so we informed at the GGD which vaccinations would be necessary for living conditions in the jungle of Surinam. Fortunately we were at the right time for the right vaccination diagram. Three Wednesday afternoons we visited the nurse for 4, 2 and 2 punctures. We so far experience no side effects.

Presenting our plans in our home church

HFT in action

Last Sunday October 9’ we presented our mission plans in our home church in Veenendaal. We talked about the Wajana Indians together with our home front team. We look back on a wonderful day.

We travel on…

We now look forward to our trip to Paramaribo the end of this week. We fly on October 28’. In our spare room we collect al things we need to take along. The backpacks are waiting to be filled. How much kilo’ s do we have left still for special things for our daughter Elsbeth? Wonderful thought that she waits for us in Paramaribo! We hope to fly into the interior from November 2’ – 24’. So far it seems that we first fly to Lawa and 10 days later to Apetina. We keep you informed.

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