M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Glad and sad

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Mid June we visited Kayode, an indian village in French Guyana where Wajana’s and Melejo’s live. It’s one hour by canoe from Lawa. It has been two years since we’ve been in that village. So we really wanted to see the people and encourage them in their walk with the Lord.


Four canoes filled with indians, pots and pans and hammocks went for a weekend from friday till sunday. This was an investment of 140 liters of gasoline, which we could provide.DSC04777

The people of Kayode want their relatives to come over more fouten to share the gospel with them! We’re thrilled to hear that and we’re also very thankful that God provided, so that we could give the elders of Lawa money to buy 3 barrels of gasoline. They are now able to visit Kayode and Palimino pata on a monthly basis untill 2016.DSC04808

From June 15th – 20th the elders of Lawa taught the new appointed elders about the ministry of being an elder in the church. They used material written and taught by Roy Lytle in earlier years. What a blessing to see these elders grow in their role as leaders of their congregation. DSC04810

Friday June 11th we learned that Panakaidu, a mother of six, passed away in her mid thirties. She drank poison after a birthdayparty with a lot of kasiri, the local alcohol. This is the mother of the baby who was in a hospital in the capital city for months. It breaks our heart. A week later, June 19th, another lady took her own life after a quarrel with her parents. She leaves four children behind. Both women are daughters of elders in the church of Apetina.

We have decided to fly into Paramaribo June 22th and fly to Apetina next Tuesday, June 30th. Pray for us that we receive words of comfort and wisdom for the people in Apetina.

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