M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

It’s been a while …

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Never a dull moment in Suriname.

On a Sunday morning while most people were attending the church service, there came a plane. This plane delivered a plasma tv screen and a satellite disk, a generator and 2 barrels of gasoline. This was a present of the president of the republic of Suriname to all the villages in the interior, so they could watch the soccer WC in Brasil. And watch they did untill the very last game yesterday. We’re curious what will happen to the tv screen now. Will people come and watch tv every evening while there is electricity?

20140715-160719.jpgSince we’ve been here from May 18th, we had some maintenance to do: we painted the outside of the house to protect it against sun and rain. We painted the cupboards and the table with a fresh color. We’re very satisfied with the results.



20140715-161038.jpgOur language skills in Wajana are slowly improving. Marco has been preaching in church two times now. The first time they asked it one hour beforehand, the second time only 5 minutes! Roy Lytle already told us to be always prepared. Thank you Roy! Marjolein had a similar experience with the womens meeting. One morning she came in and was asked to share from Gods word. That was a big challenge because she hadn’t prepare anything. It was mostly reading with some short sentences about the book of Ruth. The coming two weeks she will finish her study on this small book.


20140715-161444.jpgMarco is asked by the leadership of the church to speak about the new life in Christ during the short conference in Solonam. He will do this from Pauls letter to the Ephesians. This is also a big challenge for him. The conference will be held from July 24th untill July 27th.



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