M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

MAF more than avation

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Monday morning we heard some men cutting the high grass next to our house.
A good opportunity to practice our little Wajana.
After a few sentences the subject changed to ‘working the gardens’.
That season is coming up, so there is a need for machetes and files.
“Do you have any?”
Sad to say, but we have only our own machete.
“Can you ask people in town to buy some for us and put it on the plane of coming Wednesday?”
We promised to try, but were not very confident that we could succeed on such a short notice.

We called MAF.
They were more than willing to help.
They bought 20 machetes and 20 files.
They brought them to their neighbour aviation company and made sure that the cargo was on the Wednesday flight.
After arrival all the machetes were sold within no time.
It is great to serve God together in so many ways.

The last week of August there will be a Bibleschool course on the book of Galathians.
Roy Lytle taught this course last year at Lawa.
Marco recorded it on video, so now we can use the video to let Roy teach the people of Apetina. Please pray that the equipment and the generator will work, that the people will grasp the meaning of the letter to the Galathians and that they will act upon it.

The first week of September we plan to fly to Paramaribo were we have a consultation with the leaders of the Trio living in the city. We hope to serve them and find a way that they can have their own meetings in the city. A lot of the Trio youngsters coming to town for their education, seem to drift away from the Lord.

September 19th we hope to fly to the Netherlands to visit our home church, our sponsors and to see our family and friends. We’ll expect some busy months ahead of us.

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