M & M in Suriname

Our life with the Wayana indians

Patience is a virtue

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After our return from Manaus we needed extra patience.

We hoped to fly to Lawa on February 7th, but because of a minor skin operation on Marjolein, we had to postpone until February 14th.

What do you do with an extra week in the city when you want to be with the Wajana’s at Lawa. It has been 5 months since we have been there and we long to see them.

We visit friends and of course our youngest daughter and her family. We Skype with family and friends in the Netherlands, but also with partners in missions. We’re working on a project proposal for Foundations for Farming with an Indigenous Surinamese counterpart. Then it is very convenient to have face to face meetings in the city.

Last Saturday we went with our daughter and our grandson to Wiren the movie. It is a Surinamese production about inclusion of children and people with a disability. Our grandson starred in the movie as the young Wiren who wants to go to school and have the right to study. It is not possible for a deaf person to go to university in Suriname. The producers hope to create more awareness in the Surinamese society about this topic with this movie.

We also now have the opportunity to visit In de Ruimte, a home for physically challenged people. We’re connected with this organization since 1989, when we first came to Suriname, serving with them. The founder of the work came over for a short visit and we haven’t seen her for years! So we’re happy with the opportunity to meet her.

Marco had a very good time in Florida last month. He enjoyed the annual World Team Americas conference, where this year leaders of three pioneer teams were attending. He also had time to spend with Roy and Margaret Lytle. He could visit a couple that is preparing to join the team in Manaus. It was good to meet them face to face and meet their families as well. He was also able to attend the memorial service of Don Richardson. It was a very full, blessed 10 days.

In Manaus we had a good time with the Brazilian team. Last year was our first visit and everything was new. This year we felt much more at ease although we still not speak Portuguese. We were welcomed very warmly and we enjoyed their annual conference and all the plans for 2019 presented by the different teams.

In Brazil December and January are holiday months. The new school year begins in February, so end of January all flights are full because people are coming back from holidays. This also counts for the various team members. They’re returning now to their places deep in the jungle. It was very encouraging to hear how God has blessed and helped them this past year. There are a lot of parallels with our mission.

About not speaking any Portuguese Marco experienced a special effect. He decided to visit a local hairdresser to give his beard a better look. He also needed a haircut, so he asked the person who took care of him to do his best. Inspite of his good intentions he ended up having no beard at all. Well after a week or two you won’t see the damage anymore…We hope to be in Lawa until the end of April. The prayer team is again praying daily with teenagers who struggle with evil spirits. We also heard that Wayana teens are being used as drug traffickers from Cayenne to Paris. At least two teens are in prison in France. The police warns for a new drug named Pokemon. Every time the Wayana leaders learn new things where they need to deal with. We’re so happy that we don’t go alone, but that we know that God comes with us.

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